Are you so deep in credit card and other debt that you have no idea how you will work your way out? Many Americans are just one paycheck away from financial disaster. You may be in financial distress from job loss, illness, divorce, or wages that cannot keep up with your cost of living. Bankruptcy is intended to give you relief from constant harassing phone calls from creditors, lawsuits, judgments, wage, and bank account garnishments, calls at work that can threaten your job security, foreclosure, and eviction. Over 1.6 million people filed for bankruptcy last year. You are not alone.
The attorneys at Rosenberg & Hite, LLC are committed to prompt, personal service and explaining your options clearly so that you can make an informed decision. We handle bankruptcy law because we want to help people get a fresh start. Whether you are behind with your payments, or feeling overwhelmed, you may need the help that we can provide. Bankruptcy can be used to stop foreclosure or repossession, end or reduce your credit card debts, or even resolve your tax problems. The telephone calls at home and at work will stop immediately – and if they don’t, we’ll help you fight back against abusive debt collectors. You will be represented by a qualified, experienced bankruptcy attorney in court and once your case is finished, we’ll work with you to help re-build your credit immediately.
We can communicate with our clients in Spanish for those who require or prefer to communicate in that language. Our offices have free parking. Payment plans for our professional fees are also available. To discuss your bankruptcy matter with an experienced and caring attorney, please contact our offices. We are here to help you.