What is a Personal Injury Case?
A personal injury case is a case that includes at least one person that has suffered, or is suffering, from an incident that someone else may be liable for. A personal injury case may turn into a formal civil case, or may be settled out of court, which is much more common.
The goal of a personal injury case is the same as all civil cases in the United States: to make the offended party whole again. This is done almost always through monetary settlements.
Most personal injury attorneys have you sign a contingency fee agreement with them. These are agreements that give the attorney a percentage of your monetary settlement for you case. This means that if no money is given to you, you do not pay your attorney!
How long can you wait to file your case?
The plaintiff, the aggrieved party that is claiming personal injury against someone else, has a certain amount of time to make a claim against another depending on what happened to them. Statute of limitations are laws that govern how long you can wait to file each type of case.
There are two different kinds of statutes of limitations, state and federal. Federal statutes of limitations regard federal crimes such as burglarizing a federal building, mail fraud, etc. State statutes cover everything federal statutes do not.
Every act has its own statute of limitation. For example, Connecticut gives the plaintiff 2-3 years to file a personal injury claim, such as a car accident, whereas it gives 6 years on collection of debt on an account.
Speak to an attorney to find out the specific statute of limitations pertaining to your potential case.
We can help you!
Think you have a potential personal injury case? Contact Rosenberg & Hite, LLC by calling 203.870.6700 for a free evaluation of your case today!
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